Scar Therapy

A Fast, Painless and Permanent Way to Restore a Natural Appearance using Manual Scar Therapy

Whether your scar is from surgery or the result of trauma, scars are a normal part of healing. During the recuperative process, collagen fibers (the body’s natural protein that helps glue tissue together) can become disorganized and knot together leading to stiffness and tension. As the scar matures, it can pull and drag on the surrounding tissue, resulting in puckered skin, limited motion, and pain.

manual scar therapy at Corbett Chiropractic

How Can I Reduce Swelling, Tightness and Numbness of Scar Tissue?

Manual Scar Integration treatment and the Graston Technique® are effective and all-natural hands-on therapies designed to remodel scar tissue, reduce scar pain, increase range of motion and restore the natural appearance of skin. Research has shown a 75-90% decrease in pain and increase in mobility with treatment.

Benefits of Manual Scar Therapy

  • Fast, painless, and permanent
  • Reduces swelling, tightness, numbness
  • Restores a natural appearance

Certified Graston Technique® providers, Dr. Jim Corbett and Dr. Kathleen Nazar Corbett provide treatment on many types of scars, post-surgical as well as traumatic.

Talk to us about how your scars affect your life and sense of well-being. We can help!

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